Why Are We Divided? What Can We Do?

Lessons from Northern Ireland with Rev. Dr. Gary Mason

"Reasoned principled compromise is essential, especially in divided society. There is great depth in recognizing that the only way to help us emerge from the rubble of conflict is that we must learn to understand one another." - Former U.S. Senator and Former U.S. Envoy to Northern Ireland, George Mitchell

This four-part series will explore the structural and psychological dynamics of polarization in the U.S. and the lessons we can learn from Northern Ireland's 30-year Civil War. Guided by Rev. Dr. Gary Mason, a noted peacemaker and peacebuilder in his native Northern Ireland, the conversations will include conflict experts, former adversaries from the Northern Ireland conflict, victims, and cross-partisan faith and civil society leaders working in the U.S.

For the recording and presentation slides from Part One, see below.

Part Two: Sharing Contested Space | March 26, 2025 - 12:00 - 1:00 pm - via Zoom

Rev. Dr. Gary Mason will be joined by former armed combatants from different sides of the Northern Ireland conflict, who will share their journeys from violence to a shared peace. This discussion will offer insights into the conversations, mechanisms, and challenges involved in moving people from opposing ideologies into a space committed to collaboration and non-violence as a means of settling political differences.

Part Three: Dealing With the Past: Grievance, Grief, and Healing | April 9, 2025 - 12:00 - 1:00 pm - via Zoom

Rev. Dr. Gary Mason will be joined by two victims of the Northern Ireland conflict who will share their stories of grief and resilience and discuss the realities of identity-based division.

Part Four: Civic Health in Our Divided Country | April 22, 2025 - 7:00 - 8:30 pm

Project 658, 3646 Central Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28205 - In-Person and via Zoom

Rev. Dr. Gary Mason will be joined in a live event in Charlotte, NC, in collaboration with Catawba College and the NC Network for Fair, Safe & Secure Elections, by a multi-faith and cross-partisan group of faith and civil society leaders who have visited Belfast and are working actively in their communities to apply the lessons learned. They will share their experiences with polarization and their approach to working across divides in their communities.

Part One: Why Are We Divided? | March 12, 2025 - 12:00 - 1:00 pm - via Zoom

Rev. Dr. Gary Mason was joined by Carter Center conflict experts to look at the structural and psychological dynamics of polarization in the U.S. and increase in hyper-partisan politics and the normalization of violence.

About The Carter Center

Founded in 1982 by President Jimmy Carter and First Lady Rosalynn Carter, The Carter Center is a nonprofit that promotes peace, health, and democracy worldwide. To strengthen democratic integrity, it supports Democracy Resilience Networks in six U.S. states, uniting community leaders to promote truth in politics, peaceful engagement, and trust in elections.

About Rethinking Conflict

Rethinking Conflict was founded in 2015 by the Rev. Dr. Gary Mason. The organization seeks to model the principles of the historic Good Friday Agreement. It delivers this through building peace and reconciliation at the sharper, more fractured edges of society. In the course of his life and ministry Gary has been involved pre and post Good Friday Agreement in the Irish Peace Process. Today, he continues his work in the Irish Context, as well as sharing these lessons in the United States and the Middle East.

About Faith Forward Democracy

TheGeorgia Faith Forward Democracy Network is a multifaith, nonpartisan network of faith leaders who are united by our concern for our increasingly divided country and the impact those divisions have on our communities, families, and democracy. Our goal is to network information and best practices to maximize actions in support of our shared values of peace, irrespective of our faith or political views. In May 2024, Faith Forward Democracy collaborated with Rethinking Conflict on a Study Tour of Belfast for a multi-faith, cross-partisan group of faith leaders from the United States. Georgia Faith Forward Democracy Network is a part of the Georgia Democracy Resilience Network, which is supported by The Carter Center. 

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The Georgia Democracy Resilience Network (DRN) is a cross-partisan initiative working for a more peaceful Georgia where everyone can participate and have their voices heard. Since 2020, the Georgia DRN, with support from The Carter Center, has existed as a network of Georgians who are united by concerns about increased division in our politics and society and who are dedicated to fostering peaceful political engagement and promoting accurate information about our electoral process.

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