Upcoming and Recent Events

Upcoming Events

Why Are We Divided? Webinar Series [Part Two]

March 26th, 2025 - 12:00 - 1:00 pm EST | via Zoom

Rev. Dr. Gary Mason will be joined by former armed combatants from different sides of the Northern Ireland conflict, who will share their journeys from violence to a shared peace. This discussion will offer insights into the conversations, mechanisms, and challenges involved in moving people from opposing ideologies into a space committed to collaboration and non-violence as a means of settling political differences.

The webinar series explores the structural and psychological dynamics of polarization in the U.S. and the lessons we can learn from Northern Ireland's 30-year Civil War. To learn more and register for these events, click here.

Why Are We Divided? Webinar Series [Part Three]

April 9th, 2025 - 12:00 - 1:00 pm EST | via Zoom

Rev. Dr. Gary Mason will be joined by two victims of the Northern Ireland conflict, who will share their stories of grief and resilience and discuss the realities of identity-based division. Join us as we explore the unfinished business of reconciliation and how the power of memory — and the weaponization of history — can be stumbling blocks on the protracted road to peace. Is it possible to truly find closure and overcome violence, history, and mistrust of the other?

The webinar series explores the structural and psychological dynamics of polarization in the U.S. and the lessons we can learn from Northern Ireland's 30-year Civil War. To learn more and register for these events, click here.

Why Are We Divided? Webinar Series [Part Four]

April 22nd, 2025 - 7:00 - 8:30 pm EST | In-person & via Zoom

This four-part series will explore the structural and psychological dynamics of polarization in the U.S. and the lessons we can learn from Northern Ireland's 30-year Civil War. Guided by Rev. Dr. Gary Mason of Rethinking Conflict, a noted peacemaker and peacebuilder in his native Northern Ireland, the conversations will include conflict experts, former adversaries from the Northern Ireland conflict, victims, and cross-partisan faith and civil society leaders working in the U.S.

The webinar series explores the structural and psychological dynamics of polarization in the U.S. and the lessons we can learn from Northern Ireland's 30-year Civil War. To learn more and register for these events, click here.

Recent Events

Why Are We Divided? Webinar Series [Part One]

March 12th, 2024 - 12:00 pm | via Zoom 

To begin the series, Rev. Mason and The Carter Center's Nathan Stock explored the drivers of polarization and political violence in the United States. Their presentation examined how changes in technology, demographics, and the economy had created conditions conducive to hyper-partisanship and division. They looked at factors unique to the United States that were increasing the normalization of violence in society and shared research on the distinctions between polarization and sectarianism. In addition, they highlighted research on the ways in which our brains may be wired to polarize and addressed questions submitted by participants.

The webinar series explores the structural and psychological dynamics of polarization in the U.S. and the lessons we can learn from Northern Ireland's 30-year Civil War. To learn more and register for subsequent events, click here.

St. Luke's Forum: Democracy Resilience

December 15th, 2024 - 12:30 pm

St. Luke's Episcopal Church - Budd Hall - 435 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30308

St Luke’s Episcopal Church invites you to join a discussion regarding Democracy Resilience. Reverend Winnie Varghese will lead the discussion with Paige Alexander, CEO of the Carter Center, and Andrea Young, Executive Director of ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) of Georgia. Please gather with us for lunch and an informative conversation with two of Atlanta's most outstanding leaders and thinkers on our communal practices of democracy!

Free parking will be available across Peachtree from the church and in the lot at the corner of Peachtree and Pine.

Finding Peace of Mind through Brain Science and Spiritual Practices: A Faith-Baised Symposium

November 15th, 2024

This daylong conference for faith leaders and interested lay leaders will educate and help you initiate, expand, and enhance a mental health initiative at your place of faith. The event is co-sponsored by One Lamb Initiative and Peachtree Road United Methodist Church.

For more information, email info@1lamb.org, call 404-240-8278 or register here.

Organizing for Community Safety this Election Season

October 24th, 2024 - 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Hosted by the Georgia Democracy Resilience Network, this session invites you to convene as a unique, cross-partisan rapid response cohort that can tackle threats in real time ahead of Nov. 5 and in the weeks that follow.

Register here.

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Days of Prayer for the Health of Our Democracy

October 18th - 20th, 2024

How can we use our places of worship to disagree in good faith?

Two weeks before the election, we invited Georgia faith leaders to lead their congregations in prayer for the health of our democratic republic. Through our common values in prayer, we uplifted our shared humanity and begin to heal as a nation.

Last November, twelve months before the election, we asked faith leaders to reflect on a prayer for our democratic republic to help unite communities and ensure a peaceful election period for all. We repeated this effort in October with the intent of reaching as many congregations as possible.

We offer this sample prayer for your consideration.

To share the flyer, click here.

A Service of Prayer for Our Nation

October 17th, 2024 - 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

The Carter Center, Cecil B. Day Chapel

How can people of faith uplift our shared values and humanity and guide us to disagree better in these challenging times?

Join senior faith leaders from Georgia on October 17th, 2024, at The Carter Center for a multi-faith assembly to help us all prepare for the election ahead and the healing that must follow.

We will be reminded of our common responsibilities to God and our neighbors to act with love and kindness to all, as we are each entrusted with the care of our nation, our children, and the generations to come.

To watch the event, see below.

Learn more

From Left to Right: Andrew Lewis, Tom Crick, Nadya Merchant, Matthew Johnson, Rev. Sean B. Smith, Rob Wright, Ellen Nemhauser, Ann Cramer, Cassandra Henderson, Soumaya Khalifa, Aashritha Kudumula, Wesley Myrick, Rashad Richey, Kevin Murriel, Randy Rainwater, Paige Alexander

How Faith-Based Leaders Can Contribute to Depolarization and Civil Civic Discourse Webinar

October 10th, 2024 - 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Join faith and civic leaders for a multifaith discussion about how faith-based groups and leaders can foster dialogue, promote understanding, and address some of the most challenging issues society faces today.

Safe, Secure, Accessible, and Transparent Elections in Georgia Breakfast Panel

September 30th, 2024 - 7:30 am - 9:00 am

The Carter Center, Cyprus Room

On Monday, September 30th, the Georgia Democracy Resilience Network, in collaboration with the Democracy Defense Project (DDP) and The Carter Center, hosted a Breakfast Panel featuring former Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin, former State Senator Jason Carter, and Carter Center CEO Paige Alexander.

The panelists highlighted the importance of public trust in our electoral system, the role of legal remedies for election disputes, and the necessity of a peaceful transfer of power.

Self-Care & Conflict Resolution Webinar

September 26th, 2024 - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Join Dr. Lidia Martinez for an inspiring webinar on mastering conflict resolution. Learn how to bridge the political divide and cultivate healthier communication, personally, professionally and politically--transforming the way we connect in these critical times.

Tour Fulton County's Election Facility

September 19th, 2024 - 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Understanding how elections work is key to providing accurate and credible information to others. The Temple, through its Faith Leaders for Trusted and Safe Elections Season initiative, is organizing a group of faith leaders to attend Fulton County's Election Hub & Operations Center (EHOC) in Fairburn, GA for a tour.

Please sign up here, all are welcome!

Georgia DRN Media Messaging Strategy Meeting

September 18th, 2024 - 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Do you want to use your social media for good?

The Georgia DRN and Faith Forward Democracy are looking for ambassadors interested in sharing non-partisan messaging throughout the election season that will provide reliable information to their networks about key election-related issues.

If you are interested, please sign up here.

Learn more

Georgia Civic Excellence Awards Dinner

August 15th, 2024 – 6.30 pm - 8.30 pm

On Thurs., Aug. 15, the Georgia Democracy Resilience Network hosted the Georgia Civic Excellence Awards Dinner to bestow awards upon eight leaders from Georgia politics and civic organizations. The awards were presented to individuals from both sides of the aisle for integrity shown in working to foster understanding for community members and trust in the electoral system.

“We are proud to honor the work of these and so many Georgians who are committed to constructive public engagement and pursuing their differences respectfully,” - Former State Senator Don Balfour, Senior Advisor to the Democracy Resilience Network.

To read the full announcement, please click here

The Awardees and members of the Georgia DRN from Left to Right: Jeff Totty, Emory Morsberger, Don Balfour, Michael Thurmond, Tom Crick, Helen Butler, Ann Cramer, Tom Price, Rashad Richey, Randy Rainwater, Tommie Williams (not pictured)












Politics, Polarization, & Peacemaking

The Outlet Community Church - 3039 Briarcliff Rd NE, Atlanta, GA

July 25th, 2024 – 8.30am – 3.30 pm

On July 25, the American Values Coalition is hosting a day-long conference in Atlanta on Politics, Polarization, & Peacemaking at The Outlet. The meeting targets pastors and congregation leaders and will provide tools to help heal the wounds in our divided communities. Speakers include Elizabeth Neumann, Justin Giboney, Troy Jackson, Daniel Bennett, Caleb Campbell, and Phil Herndon.

FLYER Politics, Polarization, & Peacemaking

Faith Leaders for Safe and Trusted Elections

July 24th, 2024 – 9.00 – 11.00 am

Ismaili Jamatkhana at 685 Dekalb Industrial Way, Decatur, GA

This in-person meeting is convened jointly by The Temple, The Carter Center, The King Center, and partners to assemble faith leaders and followers to begin training and planning for engagement to preserve peace and support safe and trusted elections this fall. Those in attendance will map out a collective way forward and share best practices for each individual faith community to get involved.

Deputy Registrar Training for Voter Registration     

July 16th, 2024 - 6.00 pm

The Fulton County Voter Education and Outreach (VEO) was held at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church where the non-partisan comprehensive team trained interested citizens to register people to vote.

For information on future VEO events and voter education resources, please visit their website here.

Interfaith Prayer for Global Peace     

July 12th - 16th, 2024 - 9.00 - 10.00 am

The Interfaith Prayer for Global Peace was an in-person and remote event held at the King Center. The prayer program opened the King Center’s annual Be Love Day, which seeks to strategically define and unleash the true power of love to unite humanity, cultivate true peace, and create a sense of community.

Peace at The Primaries

May 14th, 2024

Faith in Public Life, in partnership with the Georgia Democracy Resilience Network, hosted a non-partisan round table discussion titled “Peace at the Primaries” to understand what they can do to reduce the chance of violence during the election period and around the polls and to launch its Georgia Peacemakers Program.

Democracy Resilience Network's Trip to Belfast, Northern Ireland

May 11th - 16th, 2024

Twenty-five multi-denominational faith leaders and Democracy Resilience Network leaders, including five representatives from Georgia, visited Belfast, Northern Ireland for a learning and planning retreat organized by The Carter Center and Rethinking Conflict, the organization founded by Rev. Dr. Gary Mason. The intent of the visit was to study experiences of the almost 30 years of civil war known as the “Troubles,” including the dynamics of identity-based politics, peacebuilding, and the role of faith communities, both for good and for bad.

Learn more

Disagreeing Better over Waffles and Wine

April 30th, 2024 - 7.00 - 9.00 pm

Disagree Better with Waffles and Wine was a cross-partisan gathering in Cobb County of senior former politicians, community leaders, and faith leaders to model healthy civic disagreement.

The meeting drew inspiration, in part, from the National Governors Association's initiative to Disagree Better.

Learn more

Politics, Polarization, and Peacebuilding for Faith Leaders – A Faith Forward Network Webinar with Pastor Caleb Campbell

April 25, 2024 – 1.30 – 2.30 pm

A webinar for pastors who want to faithfully disciple their congregations, staying true to a Christ-centered gospel of love amid increasing political divisions. This conversation helped pastors and ministry leaders confront polarization and toxic division in their churches, communities, and denominations. The content was born out of the successes and failures of pastors and ministry leaders seeking to engage their polarized Christian neighbors with deep love. 

Pastor Campbell is the Lead Pastor at Desert Springs Bible Church, in Phoenix, AZ. He is the founder and director of Disarming Leviathan Ministries which produces a podcast, explainer videos, and training material to equip people to engage divisions with their congregations.

A Multifaith Working Meeting for Safe and Trusted Elections

April 15, 2024 – 8.30 - 10.30 am

The Rothschild Social Justice Institute of the Temple, the Carter Center, the Faith Forward Network, and the King Center hosted a multifaith working meeting for safe and trusted elections. This meeting heard what faith leaders have planned for the upcoming election season, identified gaps, and discussed further how we can work together to ensure our elections proceed peacefully and fairly. A follow-up meeting will be on July 24 (see above).

A Service of Prayer for our Nation

February 8, 2024 – 6.30 – 8.00 pm

The Carter Center, Cecil B. Day Chapel

We live in an increasingly divided society. How can people of faith help us to ease these divisions and guide us to more peaceful ground?

On February 8, 2024 at The Carter Center, senior faith leaders and other community members came together to pray for our cherished nation, especially as we enter the election year.

We were reminded of our common responsibilities to God and our neighbors to act with love and kindness to all, as we are each entrusted with the care of our nation, our children, and the generations to come.
The event is organized by Faith Forward Democracy, a multifaith, nonpartisan network of faith leaders and laity in Georgia who are united in concern for our increasingly divided nation and who believe that faith communities can make a positive difference.

Faith Forward Democracy is part of the Georgia Democracy Resilience Network,which is supported by The Carter Center.

Georgia Business Election Confidence Breakfast

January 19, 2024 – 8:00 am - 9:30 am

The Carter Center, Cyprus Room

On Friday, January 19th, the Georgia Democracy Resilience Network, in conjunction with The Carter Center, hosted the Georgia Business Election Confidence Breakfast, a private forum for Georgia business leaders.

The event explored the role of businesses in strengthening democratic institutions and maintaining the state's reputation as a top destination for commerce.

November 3-5: Faith Forward Democracy Day of Prayer

How can we use our places of faith to disagree well 

On the weekend of November 3-5, twelve months before the 2024 presidential election, we ask faith leaders in Georgia to lead their congregations in reflection on what can be done to reduce the sense of division that is afflicting our country.   

By praying together, we can begin to help ourselves, our families and our communities reduce the temperature in our country and ensure a peaceful democratic election process for all. 

If this is of interest, please share this information in your networks and please sign up for more information on events and activities. 

We offer this sample prayer below. 

Sample Prayer for Our Nation 

Loving and Gracious God, 

We give you thanks for this, our cherished nation that you have entrusted to our care for our children and generations to come. 

We live in a time of disharmony and are troubled by our growing divides.  We pray for the unity and protection of our country.   

Remind us that no matter our beliefs or our views, we are all made in your image, even those with whom we disagree.  Together, let each of us commit to seek harmony and reject division.  Let us be inspired by the better angels of our natures.    

Help us as people of faith to remember our calling to peace and to find the wisdom to make our places of worship into places of healing.  Let us reunite in a common commitment to our shared democratic norms and the rejection of violence. 

Give us the courage to help ourselves and others to the path of respect and love. 

Give us the strength to listen to those with different views so we may better understand their hopes and fears.   

Give us an open heart to find common ground and, where we cannot, to disagree well. 

We pray for our leaders so they may guide us with love and wisdom for the betterment of all. 

These things we ask in the name of all that is holy and good. 

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